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Updated: Dec 19, 2020

"Curiosity and Perseverance.

When I was very young, I spent hours with an encyclopedia. I would start with one topic I was interested in which led to another and yet another. As I grew older, and had tasks to accomplish and problems to solve, I would find myself staying very focused, investigating many options, and usually arriving at a solution. On many occasions, working through the night would lead to a breakthrough and this pattern found success in high school, college, and in the businesses I created. And it’s not just work-related. This combination of curiosity and perseverance applies whether I am solving a problem for work or figuring out both where and how to organize a complicated family vacation. These qualities have served me well and I recognize them in many things that I do and actions that I take."

This photo could represent many things to a viewer -- innovation or creativity in addition to curiosity and perseverance. I think that these qualities as well fit into George's description of himself as well. For this question individuals had to first think of traits then seek out a photo to fit them as opposed to finding a photo they had and then connecting it to themselves somehow. In this image, this process is clear. George obviously thought of the traits beforehand, and then chose a photo he felt best depicted them. This makes it easier for readers to discern what traits he may be trying to show.

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