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Updated: Dec 19, 2020

"Narrow-mindedness. I think the antithesis of curiosity is narrow-mindedness. I can be very opinionated while at the same time wanting to hear, understand, and discuss issues with others. I enjoy the back and forth of ideas, the richness of cultures different from mine, and diversity in general. I think the claustrophobia of being tied to only one way of thinking, a single set of beliefs, or the notion that there is just one right answer would be stifling. I strive to avoid this trait."

My first thought when I saw this photo was overthinking; it appears as if the man is stuck in his own mind. George's interpretation is narrow-mindedness. He describes this as claustrophobia, which does not necessarily come across in this photo, as the person does not appear distressed. Additionally, he notes that he strives to avoid this trait. This means this is not purely a trait is he not. What characteristic would he consider to be something he is entirely not as opposed to something he is striving not to be?

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