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Updated: Dec 19, 2020

"I am and never have been organized. I have been teased, had angry parents chastise me, neighbors and friends try to help by going through closets and cabinets. Once a friend came by and messed it all up, knocking over and moving food about as a joke. I did not even notice. I have ordered shelving, cubicles, small containers and the nicely organized areas lasted less then a week usually. I have not given up but I would have to say, being organized is something I am definitely not!"

This photograph could mean many things. It looks like office supplies -- does she feel unwelcome in traditional office settings? It definitely looks organized, which is the intent of the photo choice. The carefully placed objects demonstrate careful attention to detail, which Leslie clearly states is not her forte. The emotion behind this choice, however, does not come through in the photograph -- Leslie's history of being teased or ridiculed for her inability to organize. Furthermore, we are not able to see that she is continually working to become more organized (even if it is not going well). Basically, we have a snapshot of organization, but are unable to have a visual for the journey tied to it. What photo would successfully encapsulate that?

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