First, I asked:
What Photo Best Reflects You?
I included suggestions to think about their privileged and oppressed identities, but left the prompt open ended.

Connecting a sense of self to a photograph in this case made people think about their most informative life experiences. Anna spoke about her internship teaching, and how this is her passion. Will connected his privilege to one of his happiest experiences watching a soccer game. Connor reflected on his passion for food and his girlfriend, all while connecting this to his privilege, and George focused on his life’s purpose of starting and raising a family. Finally, Leslie described the excitement and discomfort associated with traveling.
Perhaps it was because they had to tie their reflections to a photo, but each person chose to describe an external event that they have participated in to describe themselves. This was not necessarily the obvious route. For example, if someone felt they were generally shy but outgoing in certain situations, they might submit a photo of a sunflower at night and describe how this reflected them. However, none of the individuals chose to represent their personality traits through a photo in this manner. This made me reflect more on identity and sense of self in relation to life events.
Do we seek out these events or react in certain ways because of how we are, or do we become who we are because of those events? If it is the first answer, then the wrong photographs were chosen. What would represent why Anna is passionate about becoming a teacher? What developed those traits? In this case, finding a picture that best captures this process might better reflect her. Further, while there was discussion of privilege and oppression within some responses, likely due to the suggestions of topics to consider when answering, there was no inclusion of negative character traits about each person or a connection to negative traits within the photos.
If pressed for an image that perfectly portrayed them -- with a suggestion to include what they believe their personal shortcomings are -- what would the photos look like? While within these photos we get a sense of each individual’s personal passion or achievement of their lives thus far, can we look at these photos and feel we have a sense of their character?